Choose Top Rated Antivirus Protection to Stay Safe on the Web
A top rated antivirus program can eliminate security threats before they infect an damage your computer. But what does top rated really mean? And how can a top rating really help you to choose the best security software to protect your system. These 4 easy guidelines will help you decide. 1. Look For Testing and Product Ratings - Top rated antivirus software has usually been tested and evaluated by independent testing facilities whose judgment you can trust, This most often includes technical and industry magazines, as well as some software and technology forums that encourage members to rate a particular product. While these forums are not officially recognized as an impartial testing facility, this kind of "consensus testing" collects opinions and feedback from a large group of advanced users, and generally provides an accurate evaluation of the effectiveness and the shortcomings of a software title. 2. Look For Company Ratings - A strong company with rising sales and ne...